ACDA lives out its mission in the following ways (purposes):
- To foster and promote choral singing, which will provide artistic, cultural, and spiritual experiences for the participants.
- To foster and promote the finest types of choral music to make these experiences possible.
- To foster and encourage rehearsal procedures conducive to attaining the highest possible level of musicianship and artistic performance.
- To foster and promote the organization and development of choral groups of all types in schools and colleges.
- To foster and promote the development of choral music in the church and synagogue.
- To foster and promote the organization and development of choral societies in cities and communities.
- To foster and promote understanding of choral music as an important medium of contemporary artistic expression.
- To foster and promote significant research in the field of choral music.
- To foster and encourage choral composition of superior quality.
- To cooperate with all organizations dedicated to the development of musical culture in America.
- To foster and promote international exchange programs involving performing groups, conductors, and composers.
- To disseminate professional news and information about choral music.

Event Chairs

Children’s Honor Choir
Victoria Brown
Kelly Busovsky
Jenn Kowalski
Event Date: TBA

Delaware Choral Festival
Margaret Anne Butterfield
Andrea Davis
Sara Gaines
Event Date: March 28, 2025

Festival for Treble Voices
Kelly Hanson
Jerry Polman
Event Date: November 7, 2024

Open House
Marty Lassman
Marian Sunnergren
Andrew Trites
Event Date: September 7, 2024

All About That Bass Clef Festival
Kait Kresse
Marian Sunnergren
Event Date: TBA